Sunday, February 28, 2010

PHOTOGRAPHY: The Art of Wank

Greetings People,

The art of taking photos is one of the rare occasions in life where everybody can excel. Some of the best photographs are simply spontaneous snap shots which capture something both unique and vivid which creates a lasting impression on your mind. However because of this very reason photography has become the realm which many WANKERS like to work in. The modern age of digital photography has ensured that anyone with little technical skill can capture memorable snap shots which is both a good and bad thing. Things like photography becoming accessible to the greater majority of the public has created both negative and positive results. One of the negatives; people who like to feel some artistic self worth/importance among other artistically inclined people. They are the kind of WANKERS who are endlessly competing for the spotlight. Photography shouldn't be about flaunting your supposed skills because you want to appear talented but about sharing moments of life that have been captured through the unique eye of the individual. Not about doing it because it's cool and everybody has a camera because it's the latest accessory craze.

People who say they love photography but aren't out there busting their ass taking photos are sadly just fooling themselves really, and they may as well say they love 'art' instead, falling deep into an intellectual facade along with all other Wanks in the world. I enjoy photography as a concept but I can hardly say I am an avid photographer therefore would never list photography as a steady hobby of mine like other Wanks tend to do. How many people have you heard flippantly say that they love photography, or art for that matter? Does it really give you that much street-cred to be into these things? I just don't appreciate when people are forcing themselves to fit into an arty demographic purely for superficial reasons.

I do hope one day soon to become a much more avid photographer myself but in the meantime you give a toser a camera and click, click, click, boom, you have a Wanker bearing arms, loaded with bullets but continuously missing the target, (Wanks often miss the most photographic of objects because they are often far to obvious for their 'highbrow vision').

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