Thursday, January 28, 2010

STYLE 101: The bigger the V Neck, the bigger the WANKER

Greetings People,

There are certain things every man who walks the earth should be very wary of when it comes to fashion. One of those things, you guessed it is the Deep V Neck T shirt. It is Dictatin’ Life’s opinion that only WANKS wear these shirts!

These types of guys love themselves and their bodies so much that their masculinity has to be questioned. All they seem to be concerned with is the best way to show off their pecks. It must be all that testosterone which oozes from their bodies that has somehow convinced them to wear such a piece of trash. It's ironic considering the Deep V neck is such a feminine piece of clothing. Normally guys who are inclined to hit the gym hard, slam a few protein shakes and wax their chests are the kind of Wankers that have embraced the V neck craze. Even some skinny, rake thin American Apparel model lookalikes who think they can pull it off fail and fall into the WANK category also. Not as bad as the former but still WANK none the less. American Apparel has a lot to answer for as they were one of the first to start the Deep V neck trend!

Sure small V neck shirts are acceptable and actually great in plain colours, especially Blacks and Whites. Dictatin’ Life recommends these especially when worn with a pair of jeans. It’s a classic look and you can’t go wrong. The Deep V Neck, however, screams I love my self more then I could ever love anyone else and above all is a major turn off for women. No really, and I have some proof in form of this pretty hilarious post I stumbled across from Mia Ricci (the link to her post is below). If a guy is willing to show that much skin than he may as well wear a tank top instead!

Sunday, January 3, 2010


Greetings People,

Any pretentious wanker is inclined to undertake in a little snobbery. They will claim to have good taste in all things that matter: women, men, music, film, fashion and art. Any pretentious wanker who is a man might also hint at a predisposition to new age femininity that only true Gen Y metrosexuals can understand. Not so cool. How we try to preach “culture” upon each other puts us all on the edge of becoming a bigger Wanker then we ever imagined. The line is blurred just like the line between Contemporary Rock and Indie Rock? Death Cab for Cutie was on the Twilight soundtrack after all! (Yes a tragedy to rival any vampire saga) and have you heard Triple JJJ lately by any chance?

Are we just like them, am I the pretentious prick I always tried not to be, or am I merely part of the reflection society mirrors? Really, I’m not here to tell you how to think (look into me eyes, not around me eyes, but into my eyes). I’m just trying to inform the best way I can which doesn’t involve being a Gen Y twat/twit or git on all things Wanky or of more importance things of pure Genius! By now I think we can say that any form of cheap hypnosis has surely been out weighed but the hypnosis of everyday living. Why else are we all wearing skinny leg jeans? Because they look cool or because we are told to! Looks like the Sweeds and their ever so chic Nudie marketing campaigns have something to do with that. Hypnosis hook line and sinker whether you like it or not.

Now as we are all trying to find the next cutting edge gadget, band, fashion statement, or analyse the latest albums and films we go through huge amounts of trash to get the feedback we desire. It’s so much easier when someone finds it for you right? I might just be that person, people, to sift through it all and give you the word, if it’s either Wank or Genius. Like I touched on earlier I’m not here to try and tell you what things to wear, eat, listen to and watch. Or else you might all be eating Curry. I may just guide you in a certain direction (part of the hypnosis of everyday life). Here, the variety of labels will be thrown around think and fast. They will be as vast as the ones you’re wearing right now on your clothes and the ones you see on your CD collection. No, you are not defined by the tastes or tastebuds you have or by the company you keep but the ways in which you choose to express yourself. Here on Dictating Life we will take a look at everyday living that we all experience. We will also have a large focus on the world of icons and stars from all walks of life.

You may have noticed I use the word wanker quite a lot. Don’t be alarmed. If you think you might be a wanker yourself well then it’s never too late to change. Content will be referred into two main categories, WANK or GENIUS. The WANK means we are dealing with fads, frauds, phonies, overly self aware, arrogant and down right egotistical people, movements or trends. A GENIUS is ground breaking, ahead of its time and most importantly truly awesome. If it’s the latter, then it’s defiantly worthy of your valuable time. If it’s in the middle I will guide you to tread with caution! Usually in this case there are hints of both Wank and Genius.Yes, the line may blur on occasions but I will strive to fully evaluate fairly and appropriately while also exploring the potential repercussions of liking and disliking certain things. It can be quite complex.

To conclude, in life I believe there are predominantly two catagories to place people in, Wanker or Genius. So are you ready for lesson one on Dictating Life? Are you a Wanker or do you have potential to become a Genius? It may take a long time to evaluate but during this journey and many lessons we can discover the answer together. I’m still unsure myself.